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Fourth Chapter

As I was doing my routine Instagram browse this morning I stumbled upon a picture of the most beautiful acai bowl I had ever seen. The post didn't mention where it was from so I had no idea where I would find and devour the bowl of deliciousness but there was one thing that I knew for sure. I had to have it! A quick stalk of the comments revealed the location and within 30 minutes I was ready and out the door. The creators of this acai bowl are the masterminds behind Prahran's new kid on the block, Fourth Chapter. We arrived and unsurprisingly there was a queue to be seated but did that deter me? Hell no! Not long after, we were given a table, we ordered our food and I was finally presented with heaven in a bowl and boy, was it good! I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms just thinking about it... Enough rambling, I'm sure what you're really here for is the photo I took so here you go:

ACAI HEAVEN! Moving on.

These are some of the dishes my lunch buddies ordered. They were all delicious, almost (but not quite) as delicious as my beloved acai bowl.

Until next time foodies, Ruby xx

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